Monday, February 28, 2011


I will be revising my research paper by writing an opinion on either Stanley Kubrick or one of the movies or possibly old movies in general. I haven't narrowed it down completely.

Music Industry

For the next assignment, my strategy is to give more of my opinion, and less of the facts. I am considering changing my viewpoint, to mix it up for a change. I will use less repetition, but still keep my quotes.

The Real Housewives

For my strategy i plan on giving more of my opinion about the real housewives and related issues. i will include a lighter tone, but i will argue the same basic ideas.

Teen Mom

As I revise my paper for a public audience, I will use literary techniques such as repetition and rhetorical questions to get my message across to the listener. I will add in more opinions than my original paper had so it is clear to the audience which side I am on. I will still in include statistics and evidence to help strengthen my argument, but use that information in a more persuasive way.


I wrote about the iPhone in my research paper and showed how it changed smart phones and the mobile industry. For my persuasive paper, I am going to try and sell the iPhone to consumers who are looking to buy a new phone. I will explain the benefits of buying an iPhone over some of the closest competition such as Android and Blackberry. I will also explain the benefits of upgrading from a dumbphone to the technology and power of the iPhone.

Revising for a public audience.

Since my paper was on suicide and the effect PostSecret has on it, I'm not going to change my tone. Suicide is a serious issue and deserves the serious tone I used. The only thing I would do if presenting this to the public is show them examples of suicidal postcards that have been posted on the PostSecret blog.

Revising for a Public Audience

I plan to revise my paper in a way that reflects my own opinion of being superior to Instead of just using facts to argue my position, I will use opinion based statements that will support my stance on these two sites. Hopefully, I can appeal to a public audience by explaining how Stumbleupon is more useful to people like myself who want information readily available to them.

Internet Radio

For revising my essay I am going to give facts that argue terrestrial radio will not cease to exist any time soon. I won't be to bias on either side, but I will put my opinion in it.

Is the Rhetoric Really Violent?

To revise my research paper, I think that an effective method would be obviously to shorten it. But to expand more on that I think it will be important to use less of the quotes and the sources, and just use what is important to the article, in theory I will not be giving both sides but only my side of the quote. Also I will have to link the quotes to my direct opinion instead of an implied opinion.

Teen Mom

I plan on revising my essay by making it more of my own opinion and not just the facts that I researched for my first essay. This will change the tone of my essay and the evidence will be more of what I see when watching the show and not what I researched.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I plan to shift my paper in a more defensive way. I want to show the benefits of 4chan and how it acts as a check against outside forces. As the group "anonymous" shows that they can have a great affect on the world around them while just being regular people.

Jersey Shore

I plan on revising my essay for a public audience by focusing on just Jersey Shore and stating my opinion of the show. I might even focus on Snooki specifically and how she contributes to the show. I am going to change the tone of my paper by adding my opinion and saying how I feel about Jersey Shore.

Pit Bull Panic

To gear my essay towards a public audience, I plan to voice my opinion more in the paper. My "analytical distance" is going to be closer than is was for my previous essay. I'm going to make my tone in this paper stronger, so that the reader will know exactly where I stand on the issue. I plan to be very persuasive.


When revising my essay, I will make my argument something more specific. I will make it more personal and opinion based which will definitely change the tone and perspective.


When I begin to revise my essay I am going to make my thesis less analytical and move towards adding in my own opinion towards clip-shows. Adding my own opinion will change the tone of the essay and I will probably use more opinionated pieces of evidence in my argument.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Teen Mom

I plan on revising my essay for a public audience by switching my arguement. Looking at a completely different side of whether or not teen mom is glorifying or not.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Nicki Minaj

I plan on revising my paper in a way to make it more about just Nicki Minaj. I plan to make it more personal with her music and also more personal with my view on her. I think by making it a little more about my opinion will change the argument and tone to it.
How I plan to shift my arguement is I am planning on focusing my paper from facebook users perspective not the perspective of on lookers who don't know what facebook is all about!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


When I first watched the trailer for Catfish, I had already predicted the ending. Then watching the movie, the beginning threw me off. It was creepy that a young girl was on facebook, sending paintings that a man had taken pictures of. The movie was interesting to me, and I found it really weird to know that people out there STILL do things like that, today.


So, the trailer portrayed Catfish as if the ending was going to be scary, but it wasn't. I thought the story was predictable. I have seen other real life examples of this kind of thing on like Dateline NBC, and those stories were way more dramatic. People were getting killed and other crazy stuff, so Catfish wasn't shocking to me. I felt that the story built up so much in the beginning and just kind of eased into the ending. I was hoping for a dramatic twist.

Monday, February 14, 2011


When I saw the trailer, I thought this was going to be a more suspenseful movie. Then when we actually got to the end of the movie I realized it wasn't that scary at all. Watching the movie I realized how naive the main character was, but then I guess it was just something he really wanted to believe. I thought this movie was really good for this class because it related really well to what we have been talking about. The way people want to be portrayed really links with this movie. The lady, Angela, obviously wanted to live another life, so she created all these different characters. The way that she could easily manipulate social media was really surprising to me.


Before knowing what Catfish was about, I was all for watching The Social Network because it is really a great movie with terrific dialogue. I naturally thought every Facebook user should see it, but after watching the trailer for Catfish in class, I switched my mind. I voted to watch Catfish because a friend of mine had been in a very similar incident back during my freshman year of high school. The parallels between the movie and the real life situation I know of were very eerie and exciting for me to watch. Things like this do happen out there all the time and really aren't that hard to fake. I know the movie wasn't a true documentary, but it really felt like it. The perception that it was a true story unfolding made it a truly compelling experience and now I'm telling all my friends and family to watch it, but I'm not going to tell them it's fictional.


The movie catfish was nothing like I thought it was going to be. I found it to be so interesting and almost unbelievable. The plot is so crazy and I love watching the story unwind and seeing the truth be reveiled throughout the story.


To start I was very suprised how much influence watching the trailers to both movies had over our votes. I did not think that the votes would go the way they did. I thought the movie opened up a mindset amongst our class that may not have been considered before it. The movie broadened my view of social media and the negative impacts it can have. I hope to enjoy social media without being affected by situations like the one in Catfish.


This movie was a lot different then it made it seem from the previews, it seemed like it was a scary movie but in reality was not at all. I was really surprised that Angela could actually devote so much time to Facebook and texting. She lied to Nev about her art and her entire family. I honestly cannot imagine having, I think 15, facebook profiles and controlling all of them, having conversations with each other, commenting and everything. It was a very interesting movie.


The movie Catfish was nothing like I thought it was going to be especially from the trailer that we had watched in class. Angela's lie was so well thought thru and it was so elaborate. I can not believe someone went through all of this trouble just to basically get attention from someone. Nev is so lucky that when he went to Michigan that, that family was not someone who was completely crazy and could have killed him. This being a different situation. For the most part i thought this movie was very interesting.


I thought this movie was very interesting and also a little creepy. I think it's good for people to see how they shouldn't trust everything they see on the internet, especially social media things like facebook. This is a great example of how people are willing to lie to such an extreme about who they really are. I also think it was brave of Nev to still make a movie out of this for people to see, even if it probably was embarassing how he fell into all the lies.


I really liked this movie. It is definitely not what I thought it was going to be based on the trailer we watched in class. Angela created such an elaborate lie and it was pretty well thought out. This movie just shows how easy it would be for someone to create a fake identity on the internet, and it's actually kind of scary. The only question I have about the movie at this point is about the title. Why "Catfish"? It doesn't exactly seem to fit the movie, but maybe it will make more sense when we get to the ending.


I'm not sure how i feel about this movie. It frustrated me that Angela would do this to Nev and that Nev, after discovering so many lies, would continue to pursue Megan let alone his relationship with the whole family.


Overall, I thought the movie was pretty good. I thought it was very brave of Nev to just go to Michigan to meet someone he had never met before. He probably should have looked more into it, because the outcome could have been different then what ended up happening.


The movie was not what I expected, but it was put together well. When they started to put everything together, it was a surpirse to me when the lady put that much effort into lying to someone. It was very ellaborate the way she made all of the different facebook profiles and had all these different stories for each person.


This movie was weird. Totally different than what I thought it would be based on the commercials. I like how it brings to the surface how creepy social media can be! It is kinda scary. Not only is there peeping toms, there is now facebook-toms. Social media is a creepers paradise.

Catfish. . .

Overall the movie, was pretty good. Nev was pretty naive, I mean he went up to Michigan, not knowing what the town was like or who he was going to be dealing with. This could have been some psychopath who was going to kill him. I think I would have asked around town just to try to see who I would be dealing with.


Overall, I found the move "Catfish" to be a very interesting and true to life. From this movie, I have learned that it is easy for anyone to create false identities on the Internet. The Internet provides people with the opportunity to portray themselves as anyone they choose. Unfortunately, this can be taken advantage of by people and used to deceive those on the Internet. I am glad that I had the chance to watch this movie and I think that it fits perfectly into the theme of social media in our class.


This film revolves entirely around social media. It is shot as a documentary, which makes the viewer feel like they have an insight to what is going on. The use of newer technology and social networking also allows people to relate to the movie, considering there are now over 250 million users of Facebook. The viewers are constantly seeing one of the following: Facebook, Google Maps, Google Talk and iTunes. The movie is well applied to what is actually going on with our Internet and social media today. It reminds people that connecting through social networks can be advantageous, but it also reminds the viewer that this type of networking does not allow you to know just who exactly is on the other end of the line.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Catfish Thoughts

I liked the movie for the most part, it was a little slow in some parts but it was well put together. I think Angela did what she did to escape her own reality. I mean she seemed to have a pretty rough life i know i'd want an escape from that. It doesn't make it right but i can totally sympathize with her. I would def be pretty angry tho if it she did that to me. I think Nev took it pretty well...too well actually i probably would've confronted her immediately about it. But overall pretty good movie just something out of the norm that worked i guess.


In the movie i feel like Angela went though all that trouble because she was tired of her own life. She needed an escape from reality. She had to take care of two severely handicapped children. One of her daughters was in rehab and she may have lost touch with her husband. She felt trapped in her own world without the ability to escape so she created her idea of a family that she wished for as well as portraying her self as a young/spirited woman who is falling in love and starting a new life of her own.

P.S. Where did they get their nicknames like nev and rel?

Catfish Review

I thought the movie was well put together. Although in some parts I thought the movie was awkward at times because it had the sense of being in a conversation you didn't want to be in. All in all i thought the movie was well directed and well developed putting in a perfect balance of humor and drama in the movie.

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have a lot of thoughts, but I will keep it brief. I took particular interest in the title. We have five minutes left in the movie and "Catfish" hasn't been mentioned that I can remember (not that it has to be said, but up to this point "Catfish" isn't very relevant. I could see fishing, but not "Catfish" specifically). I think the title has meaning (as most titles do), but this one is a little troubling. I think it will be revealed at the very end.
Sense that isn't really any significant interest, I will add this: I liked how the film crew left in the shots about Angela's life. Her obsession with facebook has to be some kind of outlet. I'm not justifying her actions, but she has it tough and has to lie to have a compelling, stimulating conversation. Having that kind of contact and conversation keeps people sane. In contrast to that, Abby was introduced right away, and maintained a certain presence throughout; I thought that helped show who Angela's lying was hurting the most.


I thought catfish was an extremely good movie it kept you on your toes. I am still blown away that Angela was behind all those people and kept those lies. I guess once you start lying its true that you can't stop it you just keep building upon those lies! I felt really bad for Nev because he got his heart thrown around like it was nothing and you can tell it hurt him a lot. This movie actually helps me with my paper cause writing about facebook addictions it is very clear that Angela has one so now i can throw part of this into my paper. I enjoyed this movie and i can't wait to see the social network now.

Social Media
I actually used the video about social media that we were introduced to at the beginning of our blog. It has several statistics that are extremely fascinating about facebook. The one i tend to find the most interesting is that 1 in every 8 couples that have gotten married met on facebook that is insane to think about to me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Teen Mom Secondary Source

Sharon Jayson. "Does 'Juno' show strength or glorify teen pregnancy?" USA Today. 2008. 28 January 2011. <>

In this article, the author presents different claims about teen pregnancy from experienced psychologists. One speculation is that the movie Juno has a negative influence on teenagers, mainly females. The movie creates an unrealistic portrait of how their lives might be if they were to become pregnant at young age. In many cases, young pregnant women do not have a supportive family like Juno does. A majority choose to keep their children instead of putting them up for adoption, causing many hardships on both the mother and child. "Less than 2% of teens place their babies up for adoption. The vast majority keep them. We have large numbers of teen mothers, whereas in an earlier time, we had large numbers of married teen mothers." (Jayson 1). Another claim is that the movie creates a sense of empowerment for young teenagers. "In very traditional values, there are absolutes and no gray areas. It's either right or wrong. What's being represented here in the popular culture is that there are gray areas and no absolutes. Young people recognize and understand that." (Jayson 1). This suggests that young women learn from the move, being less likely to engage in sexual activity. The two outlooks on the topic allow the reader to look at the full picture before making a decision. It is not a biased article and will contribute to my research paper by providing multiple viewpoints on the subject.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nerd in his basement makes our gov. $$$

My primary source is a movie review/critic website called Secondary sources are journal articles about movie critics and website reviews of RottenTomatoes. Recently I discovered that over $30 billion dollars is spent on motion picture viewing annually in the US alone. I thought it was interesting that I have so much information that revolves around the ideal that critics (volunteer in most cases) have such an impact over this market. My research has shown in a general sense that ticket sales and box office toppers are immensely influenced by the ratings given by early critics. In a sense, volunteer, movie buffs view the movie early and indirectly decide popularity, potential awards and monetary success before the public even sees an advertisement.


Sparknotes dedicated to specific films. It is a great supplement for viewing classic films. If you are doing anything based on film or reviews this could help.


Fairclough, Kristy. "Fame is a Losing Game: Celebrity Gossip Blogging, Bitch Culture and Postfeminism." Genders 48 (2008).

This article summarizes content found on many different popular gossip blogs. Some of the main ideas in the article include the malicious persona used by gossip bloggers and "train-wreck" celebrities and their behavior. The article even makes specific points about Perez Hilton's blog and has a lot of good information.

Blog Post 5

“When a country finds itself a repeated target of terrorist violence, the only rational approach is an open and democratic debate over whether one’s own policies have been a contributing factor. If the vote is positive, the next question concerns policy change.”

Reality TV

“Those staff members--who create story lines, coach interview answers and cobble together video--say their work amounts to writing, and they are suing their networks and production companies, arguing that they deserve to be covered by the Writers Guild of America” (Poniewozik 1).

Nicki Minaj

WELTEROTH, ELAINE. "NICKI MINAJ : Crushes the Competition." Ebony 66.2/3 (2010), 96-101.

In this article the author talks about Nicki’s history, songs, fashion, and everything in between. She shows the many sides or personalities of Nicki Minaj and how they are helping her become as successful as she is. Letting it known that it was Nicki’s own hard work that got her where she is today and is willing to compete with the boys. With fashion being a big part of Nicki Minaj’s persona, it helps her explain her different “characters,” which the author talks about in this article. This article will be helpful for my research because it covers Nicki Minaj and her success as an artist. I’m really looking in on her personalities and how she presents herself, which this article really talks about. My primary source analysis was about Nicki Minaj’s twitter page, so this article fits in with how she promotes herself and her work.

A Good Start

Frommer, Dan. "10 Ways The iPhone Changed Smartphones Forever." Business Insider. 19 June 2009. Web. 02 Feb. 2011.

This website was a good starting point for me on my topic of how the iPhone revolutionized the mobile industry and what a consumer comes to expect out of a mobile cellular device. The website lists ten various revolutionary features about the iPhone that influenced almost every smart phone on the market today. It doesn't go in to very much detail about each feature, but it gives a nice summary that in turn gave me a good foundation to start with.

The Music Industry and How It Portrays Young Girls

This website shares statistics about young girls and the media. The facts shown on here were formed from survey's with kids ranging from all ages. It also shares how kids spend their time, when it comes to social media. Also, there are examples of how celebs portray women in their music videos.

anonymity breeds contempt

Psychological research has proven again and again that anonymity increases unethical behavior. Road rage bubbles up in the relative anonymity of one’s car. And in the online world, which can offer total anonymity, the effect is even more pronounced. People — even ordinary, good people — often change their behavior in radical ways. There’s even a term for it: the online disinhibition effect.

Many forums and online communities are looking for ways to strike back. Back in February, Engadget, a popular technology review blog, shut down its commenting systemfor a few days after it received a barrage of trollish comments on its iPad coverage.

Many victims are turning to legislation. All 50 states now have stalking, bullying or harassment laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication. Last year, Liskula Cohen, a former model, persuaded a New York judge to require Google to reveal the identity of an anonymous blogger who she felt had defamed her, and she has now filed a suit against the blogger. Last month, another former model, Carla Franklin, persuaded a judge to force YouTube to reveal the identity of a troll who made a disparaging comment about her on the video-sharing site.

Research on Teen Pregnancies.

This is an article from a study did about shows on TV that have affected teen pregnancies. It gives some good statistics and information about how the media does in fact have some impact on the rising numbers of teen pregnancies.

Helpful Information for "Stumblers"

Tresider, Chloe. "LexisNexis® Academic & Library Solutions." Northern Territory News 29 Mar. 2010, 1st ed., Television sec.: 1. Business Solutions & Software for Legal, Education and Government LexisNexis. 29 Mar. 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2011. .

This article is just has a small piece of information that will be useful in writing my research paper. The article gives me the information on how many users are on Stumbleupon. It is not a very lengthy article, but I have found that the little information that is presented will be helpful in demonstrating the popularity of the website that I am analyzing.

“With over nine million members, Stumbleupon is a popular tool of information for the public” (Tresider 23).

“Stumble offers nearly 500 topics for members to choose from -- all they have to do is indicate their interests” (Tresider 23).

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Quittner, Ella. "'Tosh.0': Internet Laughs, on TV - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - Time Magazine, 11 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Jan. 2011.

The purpose of this article is to let the reader know that the genre of “Internet clip shows” is gaining popularity. Tosh.0, as of August of last year, became the second most popular television show on Comedy Central with 2.7 million viewers per episode. The only show to have more viewers is the fourteen year hit South Park. The main question the article tries to answer is “Why would people turn the T.V. on to see what is on the Internet?” The answer is simple it is because people feel connected. Daniel Tosh tweets with various people throughout the show and many people contribute by posting videos on his online site and blog. Daniel Tosh has an interactive relationship with his audience and that seems to be why he is popular amongst his viewers. This article would be useful in my research paper because it shows that comedians are using social media and that people are actually tuning in to watch it.

“This interactive relationship is part of what makes Tosh.0 so successful. It all goes toward the idea of letting people feel connected.” (Quittner, 1)

My secondary source is on how pessimism can make a site with no purpose can attract an audience and create humor out of it:

“Our generation likes latching on to sites like that,” Medill freshman Zahra Barnes said, “sites with no purpose but to make us laugh.” Barnes found the site comforting. “It’s nice to know that someone else is going through the same thing.” Bayle Ellis, Weinberg freshman, says the site makes her feel better when she’s having a bad day, since she can “see the ridiculous things that happen to other people.”(Litman North by NorthWestern)

Color and Mood

One of my secondary sources is an article from the Touro College Accounting and Business Society Journal. I'm focused on how color affects marketing so it has some helpful information.

RED: Can make you feel excited, and full of energy. It can actually increase your heart rate.
GREEN: The color of nature. Therefore it leaves us feeling rested and at peace. Green actually has been shown to lower blood pressure, which is one of the reasons why so many hospitals have green walls.
BLUE: Makes you feel calm and cool. Blue is actually the most popular color in America.
YELLOW: The effects can vary. Yellow can either make you feel cheerful and optimistic, or it can make you feel irritated. According to some studies, babies in yellow nurseries cry longer.

This particular source talks about how reality television shows can send a wrong message. The article proves how aggression is more often seen rather than physical violence.

Pit Bull Panic

The secondary source I'm using is from the Journal of Popular Culture, and is called "Pit Bull Panic". I have found this is useful because it is so long and covers a lot of information when it comes to the media and the controversy over pit bulls. This is one quote that I plan to integrate into my paper:

“A survey done by the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals found that 30% of shelters that responded do not adopt out Pit Bulls. Most of these shelters have this policy due to community bans, but others choose not to. Obviously these organizations feel that Pit Bulls are dangerous. They are, no doubt, in part influenced by media accounts (Cohen and Richardson 285).”

Kurt Cobain

My paper is on Kurt Cobain and the message he sent to people while alive and with his death.

"Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I'm too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don't have the passion anymore, and so remember, it's better to burn out than to fade away.

Peace, love, empathy.

Kurt Cobain."

This was the ending of his suicide note. I found my information on a Kurt Cobain site that lets people blog about him.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Secondary Source: Teen Mom

One of the secondary sources that I chose is
Basically it talks about how there was a decline in pregnancy until 2006 and how it is becoming more acceptable to be a teen mother.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I have decided to research a website called Etsy. People can use it to sell artwork or crafts they make and also buy from others. I am studying how color effects marketing and buying. The site has several features that are based on color or strongly influenced by color choice. I believe anyone who is interested in selling or marketing anything would good for my audience.